Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog vs. Wiki

Today's generation relies heavily on quickly getting brief information. Not many people tend to read whole articles about incidents or events. Thus they rely on Blogs and Wikis. Blogs and Wikis have become a vital part of society for information sharing. For example, whenever we need to search up a topic we "Google it" and are many times directed to the first search which is Wikipedia. Through the Internet, many services and products were created such as Texting, Web surfing, VoIP, and e-commerce. In today's networked world, convergence is very essential because time is money.

There are many difference between Blogs and Wikis. The most common being Blogs are one to many, one write to many readers. While Wikis are many to many, many writers to many readers. Blogs are better for following the news because wiki articles can be changed by other users. Blogs can also be seen to be more trustworthy than Wikis because the blog author is responsible for what is posted. The article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" states how a blogger wrote a post about drug dealing going on in the neighborhood and other bloggers soon replied with information they had heard. The benefit of Wikis is that they allow much more collaboration because readers can update the information they are viewing. The article "How to Use Wikis for Business" states that wikis allow more group communication and shows who updated what part of the project. Wikis are for knowledge sharing whereas Blogs are for opinion sharing.


  • "How To Use Wikis For Business - InformationWeek." InformationWeek. 4 Aug. 2005. Web. 2 Mar. 2015.
  • Wilson, Michael. "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 June 2008. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.

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