Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Next New

New media is constantly evolving in modern society. The next type of new media that doesn't exist now but will in the future is Virtual Closets. This will be a virtual fitting room which will allow users to view a 3D avatar of themselves matching their body measurements, and try on clothes. Users will be able to access clothes from online websites and try them on before buying without going to the store. It will also allow users to add clothes from their current closets and let them mix and match outfits according to the weather and the occasion. This new media can be further enhanced with the advancements of Holograms

1 comment:

  1. I agree and I don't think we are very far off until that becomes common. We might start seeing them more and more in clothing stores where consumers can virtually try on clothes and accessories. Recently I saw a virtual glasses try-on in mall.
